Lenny the Snow Barbarian

It was a fine summer day. I was working at Disney to create a new show. Then I wanted ideas for a show, and the best place was the attic. On the attic of the studios, I found an old VHS tape from 1995 called "Lenny the Snow Barbarian" I decided to put it in my VHS player. It was a blue screen with a check beep. Then I was in a crude CG snow world. A couple seconds later, this weird bad CGI South Park-esque character with a camera lips came in and said "Hey kids! I'm Lenny! The snow barbarian!". Then it cut over to another part with a cabin saying "Huthouse" and Lenny did some moves saying "I will show you how I do!" I realized that the polygons on the models were out of place, so it must've been a mess up during production of the cartoon. Then we cut over to a other area of snow, and Lenny jumped and got snowball saying "We can do snowball fights!" Then it cut over to another snow part with Lenny saying "We can also explore my hut!" while the camera pans over to the hut. Then it stayed there for some seconds (possabliy 7 seconds)  And then it cut over to another snow area with red lighting while creepy music played...
Lenny said...
"But remember, you can't escape."
"Your trapped with me."
Then it went back to the blue screen with the beep, and for some reason Lenny was glitching on the blue beep. Then the tape was finished. I was shocked on what I saw. I asked my boss on this VHS tape and he told me a story that an unknown man who lived in a alleyway made a pitch tape for Disney Channel back in 1995, but failed due to suicidal thoughts. Some elements in Lenny the Snow Barbarian woudlv'e been used in Disney's The Snow Queen, also known as Frozen. Overall, this cursed tape still holds a point in my life.